Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum


Vietnam Veterans Memorial Replica Wall

The new Vietnam Veterans Memorial Replica Wall is located at the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum on O'Day Road in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Replica Wall is 80% of the size of the original wall located in Washington D.C. This project is a portion of a master plan of projects for the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum.


• Fort Wayne, Indiana
• New Vietnam Veterans Memorial Replica Wall
• 80% of the size of the Original


Veterans Park New Chapel Module

Veterans National Memorial Shrine & Museum New Chapel

Veterans Memorial Wall Module

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Replica Wall

Akron Community Center Module 2

Akron Community Center New Facility

FW Astronomical Society

Fort Wayne Astronomical Society New Facility

AUMC Sanctuary Module

Akron United Methodist Church Sanctuary Renovation

AUMC Office Module

Akron United Methodist Church Office Renovation

Pike Memorial Park Module

Pike Memorial Park Master Plan

Woodburn Park Module/a>

Woodburn Park Master Plan

122nd Fighter Wing Module 2

Heritage Park 122nd Fighter Wing Master Plan

Old Crown Module

Old Crown Coffee House Facade Grant

Mon Grocery Module 2

Mon Grocery Facade Grant

Doolittle Electric Module 2

Doolittle Electric Facade Grant

IPO Module 2

Parrish Orthodontics Facade Grant
